Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Abhrajeet and Arny in their Pajamas (the white pants) and their Kurthas (the long shirt)

*posted by Kayd
We stick out like sore thumbs, or like the giant elephant in the room. I thought I had packed some Indian-looking things but my clothes only draw more attention to the white American girl with light hair. Abhrajeet and Arny are also much taller and more buff than your above average Indian and with their closely shaven heads and tie-die t-shirts (…arny) they don’t do much better than me with fitting in. Thankfully Kakima took us to get some Indian clothes.

I got a sari, and to be truthful, it’s pretty hot. The sari is at least 6 yards of fabric all wrapped around your body. The way most people dress here is with pants and a shirt – many long sleeves. None of us really understand how this is suppose to be cooler in the sun but we’re dealing with Thousands of years of experience so we’re not going to argue.

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